Executive Search & Recruitment
With our scientific and committed focus, we have a proven track record of successfully completing executive search assignments. Our approach is effective and customizable. We have systems that are efficient and timely without compromising quality. Above all, our recruitment approach assures success for multiple industries or functional areas.
We believe clients cannot afford to make a bad hire. Mistakes are very costly, and while it is possible to train and develop aptitude within an executive, it’s near impossible to “fix”
someone’s attitude.
With that in mind, Mitroff Consulting & Associates emphasizes not only the potential candidate’s skill set fit, but also their cultural and attitude fit with the client.
Contact Us today to learn how we can work together.

We bring prospective candidates updated information about employment opportunities and enjoy assisting candidates with one of life’s major events: career change.
We understand the major issues individuals experience seeking new opportunities or potential changes in their current employment, and we are sensitive to their needs.
At Mitroff Consulting & Associates, we conduct search assignments from mid-to-executive level positions across a wide range of industries. Our clients range from emerging businesses to Fortune 1000 companies, all of which are committed to engaging a retainer-based search firm.
They chose to work with us because of the superior individual service and commitment they receive, and we provide that same service and commitment to individual candidates as well.
Confidentiality and respect are afforded at all times. No question or issue is trivial, and all queries will receive a timely response. When you provide us with your résumé, please be sure to include contact numbers as well as a confidential email address.
It is important for the prospective candidate to note that any résumé we receive will not be forwarded without the candidate first being contacted and undergoing a candid discussion regarding the opportunity. Please visit the résumé submission section below for next steps.

Notes About Your Résumé
Your Résumé
This is your primary marketing document. It reflects your entire career, including early positions immediately following your education. Please list each company, what the company does, and your position held there. Focus on the tangible results you achieved in each of your various roles and be results specific. We encourage you to state what you accomplished to achieve specific results. Use numbers to reflect how much, how many and percentage of gain or reduction.
State your skills, qualifications, and experiences as positively as possible. Add a “Summary of Qualifications” section, which encapsulates your most marketable skills and experience into four to six sentences; your summary is essentially an elevator pitch that details what you are bringing to the table. Please include your education (including executive education programs), military experience and any board or association memberships.
The Cover Letter
This is an opportunity to be creative and “toot your own horn” as your cover letter is for our eyes only, and confidential. It is helpful to describe why you came to each of your prior positions, why you left them and what your current interests are in seeking a new opportunity. Let us know what type of position (function, industry, company size) is most appealing to you. Additionally, describe any current accomplishments that do not appear on your résumé. If you have any geographic constraints, please let us know that as well. If you were referred to us by a colleague, please be sure to share his or her name.
Salary Expectations
Providing your salary expectations will be valuable in assisting us to contact you appropriately and confidentially for any given opportunity. These expectations should not be listed on your résumé but rather included in your cover letter. Be sure to provide as much detail as possible, including your desired base salary, bonus, other incentives and stock options or grants.
Share Confidentially
Email to: info@mitroffconsulting.com or upload files directly using the Upload Documents button below.
NOTE: New California legislation states that employers can in no way seek the applicant’s salary history information. This includes benefits and compensation. If requested by prospective employees, the employer must provide a pay scale for the position for which the potential employee is being considered. Applicants should note this law does not prohibit them from disclosing their salary history information. If the applicant chooses to disclose this information to the prospective employer, they are able to use that information when setting the applicant’s salary. The law doesn’t prohibit employers from using any publicly available salary information; however, that knowledge alone cannot be used to justify disparities in offered salary compensation.
Résumé Submission
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We recommend keeping a current résumé updated semi-annually in order to apply for promotions or new positions at a moment’s notice and not miss any potential opportunity. Our typical professional is an individual that has a track record of successful results, excellent communication skills and a strategic problem-solving focus. When submitting your information, please provide the following:
Cover Letter
Salary Expectations

We customize our advice to each client’s unique situation. We do not do our client’s work for them. We help our clients help themselves.
We provide a savvy sounding board not available anywhere else. It is secure, confidential, and comfortable. It allows our client to articulate career options perhaps not yet shared with anyone else. The point is to allow the client to think outside the box and “test drive” ideas without the risk of embarrassment. After this effort, the client is in a position to make superior decisions about what to do based on their true desires.
Participation in the Transition Coaching program does not preclude our client from being a possible candidate in an executive search. If our client becomes a participant in one of our searches, the transition program is formally suspended and the relationship with Mitroff Consulting & Associates focuses exclusively on the search.
We identify what it takes to assess each opportunity and position for our client to stand out from others pursuing the same opportunity. Additionally, we are prepared to guide our client during their first few months in the new position to maximize his or her initial success.
Contact Us today to learn how we may be of assistance.